Patient and Family Advisory Council

Patient and Family Advisory Council

The Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) brings together patients, family members and employees in an ongoing effort to enhance the patient and family care experience.

We seek to enhance the delivery of health care to patients, families and our community by offering a patient and family perspective on care. This helps cultivate a culture of patient- and family-centered care throughout our medical center. 

We help our community to work in partnership with hospital staff to promote safety, high-quality care and positive patient and family experiences.

Our goals

We advise on policies and practices to support patient and family-centered care as well as:

  • Establish a multicultural and diverse generational membership
  • Expand the voices of patients and families
  • Identify opportunities for improving the patient and family experience
  • Promote and support culturally sensitive patient- and family-centered care

What are patient and family advisors?

Patient and family advisors are individuals committed to improving our community medical center by:

  • Telling our stories: We share our health care experiences—positive and negative—with staff and other patients.
  • Participating in committee work: We bring an invaluable perspective to the planning and decision-making table.
  • Reviewing and helping create education or information materials: We can help review patient-facing materials so they are meaningful and easy to understand.
  • Working on short-term projects: We may partner with staff on special projects, such as helping to launch a new initiative or plan a patient service or space.

Why are patient and family advisors important?

Patient and family members receiving care here can find help from patient and family advisors who:

  • Ensure clear, respectful communication between staff and patients
  • Identify and address patient and family needs in all aspects of care
  • Improve access to services
  • Simplify processes and make it easier to navigate the health care system

How can I become a patient and family advisor?

We are often looking for community members to join PFAC as volunteers. What’s most important is your experience as a patient or family member and your willingness to share your story and ideas in a constructive way.

  • Are you a patient with ideas about how we can improve the patient experience at Cheshire Medical Center?
  • Are you committed to working constructively and collaboratively to help staff improve the quality and safety of care?
  • Are you 18 years of age or older?
  • Are you willing to commit to volunteering two to six hours per month for a minimum of two years?
  • Have you or a family member received care at Cheshire Medical Center in the past two years? 

If you answered yes to all of the questions above, you may be a great candidate.

What is the process to join PFAC?

Our Volunteer Services staff will ask you to fill out an application. We then schedule short interviews with qualified candidates. As part of this process, we do run a background check, ask for personal references and proof of immunizations, and ask that you commit to our confidentiality policies and Standards of Performance.

Use the Contact us button at the top right of this page to learn more about joining the PFAC.