You have to find ways to still participate meaningfully in what is most important to you. That's what occupational therapists help with. We are attuned to the patient as a whole.
Cindi Zipoli, OT/LWhen people in the Monadnock Region suffer a stroke, they often receive compassionate care from Cindi Zipoli, OT/L, an occupational therapist in Cheshire Medical Center's Inpatient Rehabilitation department for almost 20 years. The Inpatient Rehab team collaboratively assists patients in achieving fuller function and autonomy after a major medical event and helps families adjust to their new realities. Outpatient Rehab therapists assist patients’ recovery once they return home.
"When you have a stroke, your life—and the lives of those around you—are suddenly turned upside down," Zipoli says. "It is a very stressful, scary time for families.
"Everyone has multiple roles in daily life, and suddenly everyone's roles must be reimagined. Who makes the food? What about childcare and bills?" Adapting to this requires logistical help and significant grieving. Zipoli says there's also loneliness when someone's spouse is in the hospital and may return home forever changed. We often fear the unknown, and recovery varies widely.
"It takes a complete recalibration of your expectations, role, function, and pieces of your identity," she says. "You have to find ways to still participate meaningfully in what is most important to you. That's what occupational therapists help with. We are attuned to the patient as a whole."
Most patients continue with in-home care or outpatient therapy after discharge. But whether it’s been 1 day or 15 years since a stroke, Zipoli says these 5 strategies will give you the best quality of life:
Practice patience and encourage autonomy
Caregivers can overestimate how much care and assistance a stroke survivor needs. Allow your loved one to function to the best of their ability without your help, even if it takes much longer than doing it for them. The feeling of success from small wins supplies the motivation to keep practicing and improving—and recovering.
Set your environment up for success
Home modifications and assistive tools are often necessary. Write down your struggles between appointments with your outpatient or homecare OT, who will work with you to problem-solve to ensure safety while enabling autonomy. Granite State Independent Living offers support for ramps and modifications, and online stores carry many tools designed to assist people with arthritis or mobility issues.
Find a new routine that works for you
Both caregiving and living with new symptoms require everyone involved to adjust their expectations of roles, routines, and needs. Plan your day according to your new reality and capabilities. Perhaps showering and dressing takes significant effort each morning, so showers are easier to undertake before bed. Make sure you plan rest into your routine to help you heal!
Find appropriate support (more than you think you need)
Stroke survivors and caregivers require support. Personality changes and depression or anxiety are common and may improve with counseling or medication. You can speak openly in online support groups and forums to others who understand your situation, while benefitting from their experience and problem-solving. Finding support also means delegating and asking for help with as many tasks as possible, so a network of caregivers can balance their own needs and step in for one another.
Cultivate a positive attitude
Attitude is the most essential factor in every patient's recovery. Those who say, "I'm just going to try and do what I can do, even if it's hard," and people who just keep trying and celebrating every win are the ones with the best outcomes. There are always setbacks, and recovery is never linear, but keep trying to do everything you can. It will be worth it.