Doctor's Office Visits

Average charges are estimates; your out-of-pocket expense will depend on your individual insurance coverage (such as co-insurance or deductibles).

While Cheshire Medical Center (CMC) now encompasses both our hospital’s inpatient services and outpatient clinics, some of our billing charges remain separate. 

Uninsured patients are eligible for a 64% reduction of charges with Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Keene and a 68.5% reduction with Cheshire Medical Center. 

Questions? Please call Dartmouth Health Patient Financial Services at 844-647-6436.

Our myDH patient portal website provides estimates for services provided at Dartmouth Health. Estimates can be requested for individual procedures and may factor in your specific insurance to estimate out-of-pocket expenses. Learn more about myDH Estimates.

Additional charges: These charges represent those of Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Keene and CMC. There may be additional charges from other contract providers, such as radiologists and anesthesiologists, depending on the services you receive.

Estimates valid between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024

Doctor's office visit for a new patient
(first visit or patients not seen within past 3 years)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-to-moderate-level visit $209 $140 $349
Moderate-level visit $280 $206 $486
Moderate-to-high-level visit $422 $295 $717
High-level visit $496 $402 $898

Doctor's office visit for an established patient
(return visit for follow-up)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-level visit $109 $20 $129
Low-to-moderate-level visit $169 $45 $214
Moderate-level visit $192 $105 $297
Moderate-to-high-level visit $292 $165 $457
High-level visit $385 $246 $631

Doctor's office visit for consultation
(examination and coordination between healthcare providers)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-to-moderate-level visit $438 $190 $628
Moderate-level visit $548 $248 $796
Moderate-to-high-level visit $752 $233 $985
High-level visit $932 $439 $1,371

Emergency Department visit
(unscheduled emergency visit for patients requiring immediate medical attention)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Low-level visit $283 $153 $436
Low-to-moderate-level visit $487 $243 $730
Moderate-level visit $848 $382 $1,230
Moderate-to-high-level visit $1,373 $655 $2,028
High-level visit $1,999 $966 $2,965

Eye exams

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
New patient comprehensive eye exam $268 $244 $512
New patient intermediate eye exam $245 $91 $336
Established patient comprehensive eye exam $188 $211 $399
Established patient intermediate eye exam $172 $104 $276
Refraction test $77 $49 $126

Rehabilitation services

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Physical therapy evaluation: moderate complexity $706 N/A $706
Re-evaluation of physical therapy established plan of care $352 N/A $352
Occupational therapy evaluation, moderate complexity $706 N/A $706
Re-evaluation of occupational therapy established plan of care $352 N/A $352
Physical therapy dynamic functional activities $178 N/A $178
Physical therapy manual therapy, per 15 min $178 N/A $178
Physical therapy therapeutic exercises, per 15 min $178 N/A $178
Speech therapy evaluation $300 N/A $300
Speech therapy visit $267 N/A $267

Routine annual physical for a new patient
(charge is based on age groups)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
New patient physical: age 0 to 1 $298 $198 $496
New patient physical: age 1 to 4 $311 $207 $518
New patient physical: age 5 to 11 $366 $244 $610
New patient physical: age 12 to 17 $366 $244 $610
New patient physical: age 18 to 39 $414 $276 $690
New patient physical: age 40 to 64 $311 $207 $518
New patient physical: age 65 and over $428 $286 $714

Routine annual physical for an established patient
(charge is based on age groups)

Charges do not include diagnostic testing such as lab services or X-rays.

Type of visit Facility charge Professional charge Total charge
Established patient physical: age 0 to 1 $249 $167 $416
Established patient physical: age 1 to 4 $280 $186 $466
Established patient physical: age 5 to 11 $280 $186 $466
Established patient physical: age 12 to 17 $293 $196 $489
Established patient physical: age 18 to 39 $293 $196 $489
Established patient physical: age 40 to 64 $341 $227 $568
Established patient physical: age 65 and over $359 $239 $598