Health and Wellness

Infant holding adult finger, black and white photo.

A Healthy Start for Mother and Baby—In Life and Recovery

In 2016, Cheshire Medical Center launched Mothers in Recovery (MIR), a program offering expectant mothers with opioid use disorder a combination of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and comprehensive prenatal through post-partum care.

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Two kids, standing side-by-side, wearing ski helmets, goggles and winter jackets

Heads Up: Facts About Brain Injury and Concussion

Even a minor bump to the head can cause serious problems with thinking, memory, movement and emotional health. The effects of a brain injury can last for a few days or months—or for a lifetime.

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Midlife couple sitting on a couch - advance care directive story.

Advance Care Planning: It’s Not Too Soon

Having an advance care plan in place, such as an advance directive, is a way in which we can plan and prepare ourselves and loved ones for another of life’s major events.

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Automobile gas gauge indicating that the tank is empty

Filling Our Own Tanks When We Are Taking Care Of Others

The word “should” can dominate the day for many caregivers. And although our “shoulds” may include self-care, sometimes our attitudes and habits can marginalize its importance and become roadblocks.

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