
Mike and Kylee West: Finding love and adventure in the Monadnock Region
A travel nurse who lives life one adventure at a time, Mike West, RN, returned to Cheshire Medical Center—and Kylee—for the biggest adventure of his lifetime.

Dartmouth Health's Cheshire Medical Center recognized by American Hospital Association
President and CEO Don Caruso, MD, MPH, and Cheshire Medical Center, a member of Dartmouth Health, were named as finalists for the American Hospital Association (AHA) Rural Hospital Leadership Team Award.

Forensic Nursing
Victims of violence require care from nurses specially trained to treat trauma, collect evidence and provide legal testimony, when necessary. Cheshire’s forensic nurses take a holistic, respectful, trauma-informed approach to caring for survivors.

Raising Awareness About Sexual Assault: Medical Forensic Care
The nurses who form Cheshire's Medical Forensic Care team provide specialized, trauma-informed care to people who have been sexually assaulted.

Cheshire welcomes Catherine Schuman, PhD, to the Family Medicine Residency program
A leader in integrated behavioral health services, residency education, and program development, Schuman will serve as the director of behavioral science.

President and CEO Don Caruso, MD, MPH, Announces May 2023 Retirement
Caruso's legacy of three decades includes significant growth in the specialty services Cheshire offers our region, establishment of a Family Medicine Residency program, and compassionate patient care.

Tanis Ferreira: Growing up at Cheshire to ‘provide care for my community’
Reaching a new level in her nursing career with Cheshire and Dartmouth Health, Ferreira, MSN, APRN joins our Family Medicine department as a new nurse practitioner.

Cheshire Medical Center Welcomes Chief Nursing Officer Anne Tyrol
Cheshire Medical Center names Anne Tyrol, MHA, MSN, RN, CENP, as their new Chief Nursing Officer (CNO).

Breast and Cervical Screenings: Piece of Mind for You and Those You Love
When you get the recommended screenings, cancer can be detected early and is much easier to treat. Many underinsured people are eligible for free screenings and follow-up care.

Crossing the Finish Line First
Running cross country led Cara Weiner, MPA, PA-C, to a career in orthopaedic surgery and first place in the DeMar Marathon.