
Run and read a marathon
This fun and engaging program excites kids about intellectual and physical agility by incorporating reading with the annual Kid's DeMar Marathon!

Cheshire Medical Center selects Joseph L. Perras, MD, as president and CEO
As president and CEO, Joseph L. Perras, MD, will have overall responsibility for ensuring that the mission and strategic objectives of Cheshire Medical Center are achieved in an efficient, effective, and high-quality manner.

Can the Monadnock Region become a trauma-informed community?
Trauma significantly impacts people's health and our community, recently the Healthy Monadnock Alliance's Behavioral Health Working Group received a grant to help change that.

Home Away From Home
Reassigned Cheshire nurses rose to meet the moment during the most recent COVID-19 surge. Many loved their new positions: they stayed, or expanded their own.

Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Not All Nurses Wear Scrubs
While Cheshire boasts many scrub-wearing superheroes among our nursing ranks, many nurses report to work wearing “normal” clothes—and all sorts of different hats.

Cheshire’s Karl Dietrich, MD, MPH, named to Trendsetters class of 2023
Annual award recognizes young professionals making a difference in the region.

Training programs are growing our workforce
At Cheshire Medical Center, our priority is to hire well-trained, competent professionals to care for out patients. Accessible local training is limited, so we are building more opportunities.

Cheshire Medical Center Welcomes Janelle Park, MD
Dartmouth Cancer Center at Cheshire is pleased to welcome Janelle Park, MD, as the medical director of Oncology Services and a practicing radiation oncologist.

Aalok V. Khole, MD, named to the Union Leader’s “40 Under Forty” Class of 2023
Khole is honored along with 3 other recipients from within the Dartmouth Health system.

Cheshire’s Family Medicine Residency Program Receives Accreditation from ACGME
Accreditation gives a green light for a new program that will have far-reaching and long-lasting positive health outcomes for the Monadnock Region.