Team Cheshire

Amanda Smith, RRT, and Lynn Strickland, RRT

Amanda and Lynn's farewell: A heartfelt thank you to Cheshire's Respiratory Therapy team

The mother and daughter RRT duo recount the personal experience that inspired their shared career cultivating compassionate care.

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Els Dignitti, RN-BC, Jennifer Kelliher, RN and Marielle Drew, BSN, RN

Home Away From Home

Reassigned Cheshire nurses rose to meet the moment during the most recent COVID-19 surge. Many loved their new positions: they stayed, or expanded their own.

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Angie LeFebvre, MSN, BSN, RN, Deb Chamberlain, MSN, Ellen Loughney, BSN, RN

Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Not All Nurses Wear Scrubs

While Cheshire boasts many scrub-wearing superheroes among our nursing ranks, many nurses report to work wearing “normal” clothes—and all sorts of different hats.

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Headshot of Karl Dietrich, MD, MPH

Cheshire’s Karl Dietrich, MD, MPH, named to Trendsetters class of 2023

Annual award recognizes young professionals making a difference in the region.

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Bonnie Blair

Bonnie Blair: Longtime LNA joins Team Cheshire after compassionate care experience

A friend’s cancer battle brought her back, but Blair stayed for the warm, welcoming environment

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Aalok Khole, MD, FACP. New Hampshire Union Leader's 40 Under Forty class of 2023

Aalok V. Khole, MD, named to the Union Leader’s “40 Under Forty” Class of 2023

Khole is honored along with 3 other recipients from within the Dartmouth Health system.

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Mike West, RN, and Kylee West, RN stand outside Thompson Unit at Cheshire Medical Center where they met

Mike and Kylee West: Finding love and adventure in the Monadnock Region

A travel nurse who lives life one adventure at a time, Mike West, RN, returned to Cheshire Medical Center—and Kylee—for the biggest adventure of his lifetime.

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Doctor celebrates with patient

Working Together for Your Heart Health

Excellent on-site services and innovative partnerships within Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health make Cheshire Medical Center your source for superb cardiac care.

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Lindsey Cushing, WHNP, SANE-A, and Kelsey Page, RN, SANE-A, work in Cheshire's OB/GYN department and are part of a team providing medical forensic exams in the Emergency Department.

Raising Awareness About Sexual Assault: Medical Forensic Care

The nurses who form Cheshire's Medical Forensic Care team provide specialized, trauma-informed care to people who have been sexually assaulted.

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Pauline Johansen stands next to the chapel window at Cheshire Medical Center

Pauline Johansen: Surviving to meet her guardian angels

A nurse for five decades, Johansen survived a sudden cardiac arrest thanks to chest compressions from a young neighbor and a skilled team of first responders.

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