Team Cheshire

Discovering a Career Path and Calling
For Elizabeth Duquette, of Cheshire's Post Anesthesia Care Unit, becoming a nurse was both a surprising and natural fit.

Committed to Serving His Home Community, at Work and Beyond
Achieving his childhood aspirations of working in emergency medicine, Justin Lyons' dedication to helping his neighbors doesn't stop when his shift is over.

The Nursing Practice Council: Defining, Promoting, and Supporting Evidence-based Practices
Maggie Bard values the opportunity to develop her leadership skills, keep learning, and give input on how her job is done.

Volunteer Spotlight: Four-Legged Frankie Makes Her Rounds
If you've ever had an appointment at Cheshire Medical Center and noticed a four-legged furry animal walking about wearing a blue bandana, then you’ve seen one of our volunteers in action.

Four Perioperative Nurses Lead by Stepping Up and Giving Back
All following distinct career paths, nurses from Cheshire Medical Center's Surgical Services team commit to encouraging and mentoring others in their field.

Taking a Collaborative Approach to Family Medicine
Cheshire Medical Center puts patients at the center of primary care through a collaborative team model that ensures continuity and efficiency.

Innovative Program Streamlines Access to Cardiac Catheterization for Cheshire Patients
Patients get easier access to catheterization procedures through a program with Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.

For Walpole Resident Scott Willis, Volunteerism is More Than an Activity—It’s a Calling.
Scott Willis is living with multiple disabilities, but has been inspired to volunteer at Cheshire Medical Center.