Team Cheshire

Ambulatory Care Coordinators Bring it all Home
While many of Cheshire’s nurses care for hospitalized patients, this small but mighty team partners with our community to ensure our patients continue to recover well after they leave.

Bridget Murphy: Sticking with Cheshire
Now an overnight shift nursing supervisor, Bridget sought greener grass during the first winter COVID-19 surge, but chose to return to her home away from home.

Lindsey Cushing and Kelsey Page Honored by Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention (MCVP)
The certified SANE nurses proposed a program that would expand their services to children and domestic violence survivors, then offer outpatient follow-up care.

Ashley Copeland: Making Operating Rooms Less Scary
Her colleagues’ compassion—for patients and each other—motivated Ashley to join Team Cheshire after graduation, exploring a plethora of interesting roles in nursing.

Tiffany Boyd: Bringing the Best Care to Patients
Returning home to be a care coordinator, Tiffany’s own challenging experience with medical care inspired her to help patients navigate complex care here at Cheshire.

Calvin Seppala: A Passion for Working with People
Drawn to Cheshire Medical Center's excellent work culture, Calvin found nursing is his dream career, doing one of the "hardest and most useful things" he can.

Benjamin Croteau: Keeping the Community Safe
As a security officer, Ben's prior experience in retail and the U.S. Marines help him keep our campus safe with kindness and compassion.

Edith Chase: Taking Pride in Food
As team leader in Nutritional Services, Edith feels like she is conducting an orchestra with a committed and creative team who strive for success in all they do.

Tessa Morey: Making a Difference for Patients
As both an environmental services technician and transporter, Tessa views every day at Cheshire Medical Center as another opportunity to brighten someone's day.

Embracing a New Home in New Hampshire
Building an international workforce: Two nurses navigate their way with the help of a welcoming community — and each other.