Rest and Restorative Sleep

This Holiday Season, Give Yourself and Those You Love the Gift of Time Away from Digital Screens
According to a new study, Americans spend more than 11 hours a day watching, reading, listening to or interacting with digital media.

9 Sleep Tips to Help You Get The Best Rest
It may seem obvious that sleeping is important—most of us feel awful and function badly when we don’t get much of it, and the effects of sub-par sleeping habits can be cumulative over time.

Do You Struggle With Sleep? Talk About It At Your Next Physical.
When we head to our annual visit with primary care providers, it’s often second nature to talk about our physical aches and pains. We might also check in regularly about our mood, or even about levels of stress.

Filling Our Own Tanks When We Are Taking Care Of Others
The word “should” can dominate the day for many caregivers. And although our “shoulds” may include self-care, sometimes our attitudes and habits can marginalize its importance and become roadblocks.