Active Living

How to Establish Healthier Habits This Fall
Gastroenterologist and obesity medicine specialist Suzannah Luft, MD, offers some fall tips for nourishing and moving your body.

Physical therapy helps patient battle back against debilitating pain
Local business owner finds back pain relief with outpatient physical rehabilitation and other services

Female athlete triad: Understand the symptoms and solutions
This medical condition can negatively affect physically active females, often as a result of overtraining.

Don’t take a digger: How to prevent and recover from winter slips and falls
Physical therapist Sharil Cass, PT, DPT, NCS, discusses the best body mechanics and footwear for walking in wintery conditions and how to get back on your feet should you take a dive.

New orthopaedic surgeons a boon to bones in the community
Bringing specialized training and the latest techniques, new fellowship-trained surgeons elevate the level of care, accessibility, and expertise patients can expect at Cheshire.

ACL tears: Symptoms, surgery, and recovery
Neal Goldenberg, MD, chair of Sports Medicine at Cheshire, discusses treatment for one of the most common and devastating knee injuries that affects athletes, young and old, with a high prevalence among women.

Know your knees: ACL injury prevention
Neal Goldenberg, MD, chair of Sports Medicine at Cheshire, discusses how athletes can prevent this very common, career-threatening injury.

Arming patients against prostate cancer
Roland Chen, MD, urologist at Cheshire Medical Center, addresses myths, facts, and the prevention of this common killer.

Run and read a marathon
This fun and engaging program excites kids about intellectual and physical agility by incorporating reading with the annual Kid's DeMar Marathon!

Out-of-the-box outdoor activities
Try some different activities to get outside and enjoy the regular physical activity that brings abundant health benefits.