Active Living

Healing shoulder pain in the weekend warrior
From playing pickleball to painting a deck, repetitive activities can cause shoulder pain and injuries such as impingement syndrome. Neal Goldenberg, MD, director of Sports Medicine, discusses healing and returning to the activities you love.

Four tips for successful healthy New Year's resolutions
As a family medicine provider, Karl Dietrich, MD, MPH support patients in making fresh-start resolutions to improve their health. He shares the most effective strategies for making lasting positive changes.

Crossing the Finish Line First
Running cross country led Cara Weiner, MPA, PA-C, to a career in orthopaedic surgery and first place in the DeMar Marathon.

Injury Prevention: Prepare Your Body for Hiking
David Potach, PT, SCS, CSCS, director of rehabilitation at Cheshire and author of Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy, offers advice and simple exercises to prevent common injuries on the trail.

Safe and Beneficial Exercises for People with Osteoporosis
Physical activity is a foundation of good health and well-being but people with low bone mass must exercise with intention and care. Learn more from Sharil Cass, PT, DPT, who teaches people with osteoporosis safe exercise and movement.

Stress Busters: Tips to Manage Stress with Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Ruth Goldstein, a Registered Dietitian with Cheshire Medical Center, spends a lot of time talking with patients about food and stress. Here’s her five top tips!

Why Taking Family Walks on Holidays is Good for Body and Mind
Walking helps burn off holiday meals and improve family togetherness.

Training for Fall Hikes in the Monadnock Region
Fall is a wonderful time to hike in the Monadnock region. Follow these tips to get the most out of the season.