Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

Shorter Days Got You Down? It Could Be Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Mental health providers from Cheshire Medical Center and Dartmouth Health reveal tips for living with SAD.

How Volunteering at Cheshire Helped Me Fight Loneliness
After George Scholl retired from Electronic Imaging Materials, Inc. in Keene, he started looking for ways to stay active. Five years ago, he decided to volunteer at Cheshire Medical Center — and it changed his life.

Raising Awareness About Sexual Assault: Medical Forensic Care
The nurses who form Cheshire's Medical Forensic Care team provide specialized, trauma-informed care to people who have been sexually assaulted.

Don’t Get Caught Unprepared
New Englanders' fashion and leisure activities vary seasonally. You should also have an emergency preparedness kit and plan to handle whatever surprises each season may bring. Tricia Zahn, MPH gives some tips and resources so you’ll be ready for anything

Same Rules Apply: 7 Tips to Manage Metabolic Disorders
Ruth Goldstein MS, RD, outpatient registered dietitian shares the foundational principles for those with many of the most common health conditions in America.

Safe and Beneficial Exercises for People with Osteoporosis
Physical activity is a foundation of good health and well-being but people with low bone mass must exercise with intention and care. Learn more from Sharil Cass, PT, DPT, who teaches people with osteoporosis safe exercise and movement.

Stress Busters: Tips to Manage Stress with Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Ruth Goldstein, a Registered Dietitian with Cheshire Medical Center, spends a lot of time talking with patients about food and stress. Here’s her five top tips!

Taking Care of Yourself When a Loved One is Suffering from Substance Use Disorder
Setting boundaries can be the hardest and most important thing to do.

Mind Racing with Worry or Stress? Try to S.T.O.P.
Finding time to stop, come down from the worried mind, and get back into the present moment can help ease stress's negative effects.

What is Resilience and Why Does Having More of it Matter?
Being able to bounce back from adversity is a primary path to improved well-being.