Healthy Aging

Ask the Expert: Mammograms and Self Exams
H.E. Guy Burman, MD, medical director of the Breast Care Center at Cheshire Medical Center, discusses breast health and cancer screenings and offers helpful resources.

Honoring our veterans with the gift of healthy local food
Cheshire's Center for Population Health supports "thank you" gifts of free locally grown food for veterans at weekend farmers' markets in September

Heart Attack or Sudden Cardiac Arrest—How They Differ and What to Do
Learn about the differences between a heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Breast and Cervical Screenings: Piece of Mind for You and Those You Love
When you get the recommended screenings, cancer can be detected early and is much easier to treat. Many underinsured people are eligible for free screenings and follow-up care.

Injury Prevention: Prepare Your Body for Hiking
David Potach, PT, SCS, CSCS, director of rehabilitation at Cheshire and author of Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy, offers advice and simple exercises to prevent common injuries on the trail.

Catching Up on Your Care: 4 Questions to Ask Your Provider
These questions will help you work with your provider to prevent—or find and fix—issues long before they become crises, especially if your care was interrupted.

Same Rules Apply: 7 Tips to Manage Metabolic Disorders
Ruth Goldstein MS, RD, outpatient registered dietitian shares the foundational principles for those with many of the most common health conditions in America.

Safe and Beneficial Exercises for People with Osteoporosis
Physical activity is a foundation of good health and well-being but people with low bone mass must exercise with intention and care. Learn more from Sharil Cass, PT, DPT, who teaches people with osteoporosis safe exercise and movement.

Start Eating Better During American Diabetes Month: 5 Easy Tips
Since 40% of us need to eat mindfully to prevent complications from diabetes, Registered Dietitian Rachael Lenthall offers sustainable steps for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

7 Easy Ways to Manage Your Health Care with myDH
Dana Carley, patient portal concierge at Cheshire Medical Center, gives tips on new and popular myDH and MyChart features, such as direct scheduling and messaging.